Bogdan Wita

Born: 1 December 1967 in Rybnik. Lives in Żory since childhood.

Plays: acoustic guitar

Family: wife Mariola (pedagogue), daughters: Hanna and Katarzyna.

Hobby: sport (swimming, skiing, tennis), his neglected hobby is motorization.

Life’s success: family and the phenomenon that he does what he likes for a living (passion became a profession).

Life’s failure: meaningless failures.

Role model: one unparalleled, spiritual… (speaks as a man of faith).

His first contact with musical instruments began in the primary school, however, the real adventure with music started in the 2nd grade of high school, when he became a self-taught. He worked with bands that played shanty, travel or religious songs. The first formation that managed to appear on a wider musical scene was a shanty band “Miondze”, which he initiated with Adam Cebula in 1985. The band participated in many festivals of the seamen’s songs achieving quite many successes. Simultaneously Bogdan Wita was engaging himself vocally in a band of religious music “Granum” and took part in festivals like “Sacro Song” in Katowice and “Cantate Deo” in Gliwice. This participation wasn’t accidental because after high school Bogdan joined The Silesian Theological Seminary in Katowice. However, his enormous temper and talent not only musical but also organizational arouse a need for self-fulfillment not only in the religious environment. This resulted in coming back to the “Miondze” band, and also initiating and organizing “The first event of the Seamen’s song in Żory ’87”, which he is the annual organizer. After “SARI ’87” the band “Miondze” naturally dissolved, and the offer of joining “Carrantuohill” in December 1987 appeared to be exactly what he was looking for in his musical quest. After graduating from The Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, from 1992 to 1995 he worked as a cultural animator in the Local Culture Center in Żory, where additionally he organized the work of the weekly newspaper “Nowa Gazeta Żorska” becoming its editor-in-chief. At the same time, since 1992 he manages an artistic agency “Celt” which mainly but not only organizes the life of “Carrantuohill”. His musical interests reach not only traditional Irish music. Bogdan also enjoys the music by Phil Collins (“Genessis”), Sting, Mark Knopfler, he is also opened to new musical trends. His character features, (according to Celtic horoscope: intelligence, pursuit to synthesis, intuition, ability to foresee) in the real life additionally pugnacity, innate optimism contributed to his way of playing the guitar. His interpretation of the Irish music is fresh, vivid, with many innovative harmonic and rhythmic solutions. This has a great influence on the overall sounding of the band. It needs to be mentioned that Bogdan’s organizational skill allow on an abounding stage performance of the band. Moreover, his ability of elastic communication with people has a positive effect on the band and creates the base for developing the band’s creative process.
